Tuesday, July 1, 2008

E-Government In Malaysia: Its Implementation So Far And Citizen's Adoption Strategies

E-government is the use of information and communication technologies in public administration combined with organisational change and new skills to improve public services and democratic processes and to strengthen support to public policies. E-government is a way for public administration to become more open and transparent, and to reinforce democratic participation: more service-oriented, providing personalized and inclusive services to each citizen.

According to the survey which done by Brown University on Rhode Island, United State, on international e-government ranking list, Malaysia is in the ranking of 25. Malaysia government has successfully implement the e-government. One of the most successful application are e-filling.

E-filling is a method of filing of all income documents of tax payer in Malaysia, that uses an electronic format rather than a traditional paper format, from office or home through Internet. To use this services, taxpayers need to make a tax registration. Malaysia's Inland Revenue Board (IRB) will send the PIN for online tax registration through mail to the taxpayers.

However, there are some problems faced in e-government implementation:
  • Language barrier - Most of the government websites using Bahasa Malaysia.

  • Technological barrier - Lack of technical infrastructure.

  • Online behaviour - Malaysians remain sceptical on being distrust on electronic transaction especially on online banking buying from an Internet store.

  • Lack of public awareness - Public are not aware of the services offered.

Ways to encourage more citizens to use the e-government applications:

  • Provide websites with multiple language version.

  • Increase awareness through TV and radio advertisements, and organising workshops at shopping malls.

  • Provide consultation services on how to use those services.

  • Simplify procedures needed to access to the e-government services.
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